Well, this storm for my area was not as bad as predicted, in regard to accumulation. The winds, however, are 20-33 mph, and the temperature 14 degrees (may be even colder). Not sure about the wind chill, but when snow blowing the driveway, it was cold. Plus I got peppered with a lot of snow particles with the wind whipping all around. I had to abandon wearing my glasses since I could not see through them and I was afraid I’d run into something, notably my vehicle in the driveway. As an aside, my snow blower started right up, it was recently serviced; and I got some great starting tips from the service man. Sears has a great warranty program – and a discount on service – and they travel to your location. Coool beans!

Anywhoo, back to my story. After I did my house, I did the neighbor’s 2 sidewalks (he is on the corner), and then I did the driveway and sidewalk of the neighbor next to him. Upon finishing the snow blowing, I shoveled off my front porch. My postman arrived at the same time and was astonished to see icicles on my eyebrows. A first for him (and I think he meant he’d never seen anyone with icicles on their eyebrows). So, I decided to capture the moment before they melted completely. I went inside the house to retrieve my Nikon D90 from its hiding place out of reach of MiscToo’s paws, and took some pictures. Then I used my old Pantech cell phone to get the last views.
The heat of the house does have a way of meltin’ the icicles. I look like a deer stunned in the headlights in some of my self-portraits, 2 of which are below:

And on this day, back in 1978, I bought my house. Hard to believe, 36 years ago!